20 Dec 2021 av Alexander Bergenholtz
Trenger du et avbrekk fra eksamenslesing? Helt Sikker vil de fire søndagene før jul publisere en liten CTF-oppgave. Alle som løser oppgaven er hver uke med i trekningen av et foodora-gavekort! Det blir en ekstra trekning på slutten blant de som løser alle fire :)
Her er fjerde luke:
Package Exchange
Everyone loves christmas games, and this year is no exception. We are going to be swapping presents… A lot. But you saw one present that seemed way more interesting than the rest.
Can you make out a way to ensure that this specific present lands in your hands by the end of the game?
- This time you have to see, but not sharp.
- Whats the problem with pseudo-random number generators?
- If you have the program and you have control of the execution, you can skip the fluff and go straight to whats interesting.
- Is the game rigged??
- There are similarities between this and the challenge from the second week.
You present can be found here: package_exchange.zip
Please submit your answer here.
13 Dec 2021 av Pål Hoven Bentsen
Trenger du et avbrekk fra eksamenslesing? Helt Sikker vil de fire søndagene før jul publisere en liten CTF-oppgave. Alle som løser oppgaven er hver uke med i trekningen av et foodora-gavekort! Det blir en ekstra trekning på slutten blant de som løser alle fire :)
Her er tredje luke:
Agent Chirping
Our counter-intelligence department has once again detected signs of an adversary, this time it looks like an agent is trying to signal home.
The agent seems to be lurking among other birds, tweeting and chirping.
We have picked up signs that the agent is well versed in old-school cryptography and communication methods.
We believe he is working under the name jamanik_bananik.
Good luck!
Please submit your answer here.
05 Dec 2021 av Alexander Bergenholtz
Trenger du et avbrekk fra eksamenslesing? Helt Sikker vil de fire søndagene før jul publisere en liten CTF-oppgave. Alle som løser oppgaven er hver uke med i trekningen av et foodora-gavekort! Det blir en ekstra trekning på slutten blant de som løser alle fire :)
Her er anden luke:
Unwrapping madness
The first present came early this year! I don’t think we’ve seen a package quite like this one before. Whoever wrapped it did a fantastic job. The only question that remains is… How are we going to get through all the wrapping?
Hmm… Only one way to find out.
Attached you will find the aforementioned present, see if you can open it in time!
- If you are sharp, you might be able to figure out which language was used for the program.
- If you spy even sharper, you might find it useful that its possible to recover a lot of symbols from programs written like this one.
You present can be found here: unwrapping_madness.zip
Please submit your answer here.
28 Nov 2021 av Joakim Algrøy
Trenger du et avbrekk fra eksamenslesing? Helt Sikker vil de neste fire søndagene publisere en liten CTF-oppgave. Alle som løser oppgaven er hver uke med i trekningen av et foodora-gavekort! Det blir en ekstra trekning på slutten blant de som løser alle fire :)
Her er første luke:
Santa’s Spy
Norwegian counter-intelligence suspects that Santa’s elves have been illegally spying on Norwegian citizens. An elf has been observed taking pictures of people from afar, breaking into a home, and sending radio transmissions from the woods. A radio transmission was picked up by counter-intelligence, and they suspect the elf was reporting something back to the North Pole, but it’s not clear what was reported as we only hear a fast and high-pitched chirping noise. Can you please help figure out what the elf transmitted back to base?
Attached you’ll find the evidence file for the arrested elf, including the items confiscated as well as the radio transmission: investigation.zip
Please submit your answer here.
- A basic audio editor might be useful. I like Audacity.
- We’ve heard rumors that Santa uses an encryption method so strong it is information-theoretically secure.
21 Sep 2021 av Joakim Algrøy
Vi inviterer til hackekveld på Integrerbar!
Lurer du på hva etisk hacking går ut på, og hvordan man kommer i gang? Vi har funnet frem noen online-CTFer i ulik vanskelighetsgrad, og er klar til å hjelpe alle å få til noe uansett hvilket nivå man er på.
Vi serverer mat og litt drikke 🙂
Dette blir mest en kveld for å lære, men vi skal få til en liten konkurranse i tillegg!
Påmelding: https://forms.gle/L64j61FfbDp5Dhwh8
Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/1cvBO7MRa